Wednesday, March 26, 2025

January 30, 2023

What This Tech Mogul Spends $2 Million A Year On To Feel 18 Again

This tech mogul has such an extreme approach to exercise and skincare that critics have compared him to the narcissistic character in 'American Psycho'.

[imagesource: Wikimedia Commons]

There’s yet another Silicon Valley tech bro who’s joined the war on ageing.

Clearly, when you’ve successfully hacked the money trees and have so much pocket money that you barely know what to do with it, you move on to seeking the fountain of youth.

Jeff Bezos has already put money into a Silicon Valley company, Altos Labs, using biological reprogramming technology to make people younger.

There’s also the billionaire Peter Thiel who has funded anti-ageing research and declared himself opposed to death, once saying: “Basically, I’m against it”.

Now there’s a new bloke on the block, someone with such an extreme approach to exercise and skincare that critics have compared him to the narcissistic character Patrick Bateman in Bret Easton Ellis’s novel, American Psycho, notes The Telegraph:

The 45-year-old Silicon Valley tech mogul, Bryan Johnson, has been making his body feel 18 again by forking out $2 million a year employing an army of 30 doctors and experts in what he calls “Operation Blueprint”:


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His quest is to turn back time and reverse biology, making each of his 78 organs – including his brain, heart, lungs and kidneys – medically 18 years old.

To get to this, he’s developed an intense routine and regimen, which he detailed for Bloomberg Businessweek:

It includes putting on goggles to block out blue light for two hours before bed, which is at the same time every night. He then wakes up at 5am and conducts an hour-long workout with 25 exercises, takes dozens of supplements including creatine, and rinses his teeth with tea tree oil.

Following a strict vegan diet, he eats 1,977 calories per day, including almond milk, walnuts, flaxseed, berries and lots of blended vegetables. He recaptures his youthful skin with seven types of cream, along with acid peels and laser therapy, and has “fat scaffolding” injected into his face.

From his home in California, he also subjects himself to a monthly round of blood tests, colonoscopies and other evaluations of his biofluids and physical fitness.


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All of that has allowed him to achieve the fitness level and lung capacity of an 18-year-old, and the skin of a man aged 28, confirmed his medical team:

On his website, where he chronicles his quest for eternal youth, Mr Johnson alleges that his overall pace of ageing has slowed by 24 per cent, and claims his “5.1 years epigenetic age reversal” is a world record.

He’s turned this quest for youth into a bit of sport, launching the Rejuvenation Olympics where 1 750 youth-seekers have signed up to compete by measuring how they’ve managed to reduce their chronological age, according to medical tests.

Bryan is currently in first place:


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Bryan says this mission began after he sold his payments processing company for $800 million and suddenly felt “helpless to stop myself from overeating to soothe the pains of life”, describing how when night fell, he could not stop himself from “engaging in this self-destructive behaviour”.

But he says he is doing so much better now, as clear-minded and able-bodied as ever.

Once the quest for youth starts getting old for Bryan, it might be better for anyone in his space to hide the knives and get rid of the shower curtain.
