Thursday, March 13, 2025

January 21, 2023

Why Students Plagiarize

Many students submit their works that they have copied from other sources. Doing so is a violation of academic integrity and may lead to negative consequences. Notably, some institutions have policies that penalize plagiarized works. However, learners continue to steal information from others due to a variety of reasons. Although students must present their original works, they may copy someone’s information to their papers due to ignorance, poor time management, laziness, lack of confidence, and poor enforcement of penalties.


Some students are not aware of what constitutes plagiarism. In turn, they copy other people’s works, thinking that there is no issue with their actions. Such students may also be unaware of the academic integrity policy. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about citation styles may make people fail to acknowledge sources. Also, ignorance may be due to the failure of instructors to teach learners how to carry out research. Hence, students can cheat when they lack information on the policies and requirements of writing a scholarly paper.

Poor Time Management

Time management means a skill that many people lack the attributes and discipline to master. Aside from learning, students may be engaged in other activities, such as part-time jobs, club membership, and leisure. Striking a balance in all of these demands can be difficult. As a result, some individuals may prioritize socializing and making money, procrastinating their assignments until the near deadline. To avoid penalties for late submissions, learners can choose to submit the work cited incorrectly. But a wiser solution in a situation like this is to turn for help to an urgent essay writing service like Wr1ter.


Writing a good paper is hard work and requires significant effort. For lazy students, spending long hours in the library reading before synthesizing the research can be overwhelming. In turn, such learners resolve to cheat in their academics to not go through the trouble of completing assignments. In addition, some people may be lazy to note down the references when summarizing evidence from different sources. Finally, people could not remember where they got the information for timely compiling academic papers because they were too lazy to keep records.

Lack of Confidence

There is always pressure from parents, teachers, and potential employers to excel by getting good grades. Yet, students may not have confidence in their abilities to produce a perfect essay. Moreover, some students compare themselves with other genius individuals in their classes. In other cases, instructors give many assignments without adequately helping learners to understand all the concepts. The result is that students may copy and paste information from sources that they judge to be more authoritative. 

Poor Enforcement of Penalties

When there are no consequences for plagiarism, students may have a motivation for plagiarizing. In some institutions, there are policies for academic integrity that stipulate the outcome of non-adherence. However, the school administration often fails to enforce the punishment for violators. Also, students known for cheating may get better grades, while those who strive to do their works without plagiarizing are rated poorly. Therefore, poor enforcement of policies promotes copying and unknowingly awarding those who encourage cheating.

Plagiarism or copying the work of another author without acknowledging it is common among students. There are many reasons why students may choose to copy the works of others instead of working on their own. Some of the key reasons include the ignorance of writing rules and referencing styles, laziness, procrastination, low confidence, and lack of penalties for people who plagiarize.