Wednesday, March 5, 2025

January 18, 2023

Best Man Busted On Hot Mic Being An Idiot

Best man makes his name gat on mic.

[imagesource: youtube/nypost]

Everyone has a friend that’s an idiot. They always say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time. Fortunately for most of us though, they usually aren’t wearing a live microphone.

A viral video is doing the rounds on Youtube that show a best man at a wedding party apparently going soft in the head over one of the bridesmaids. If only he had kept it to himself, but this well-mannered young gentleman forgot he was wearing a microphone and pointed out the breasts of one of the women.

The groom initially reacted with a smile, before becoming upset and reminding his mate of the mic with some choice words.

“Shhh! Are you f- -king dumb, dude? What, are you a f- -king a- -hole?, I’m f- -king mic’d up, also. You’re an idiot.”

Checking out the bridesmaids is a wedding tradition, much like the garter band toss, or your uncle Dave getting too drunk to dance and then doing the Macarena. But you keep that stuff in your head and don’t say it out loud.

Predictably, comments have been largely negative with some even saying he should have been kicked out of the venue. Maybe that’s a bit harsh, but we agree with the groom. He’s an idiot.

[source: youtube/nypost]