Friday, March 14, 2025

That New Depp / Heard Trial Movie Looks Like Hot Garbage [Trailer]

It has been four months since the verdict was rendered, and now the Depp / Heard defamation trial is set to be dramatised even further with a new movie.

[imagesource: Tubi]

People with dollar signs for eyes clearly saw value in the Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard defamation trial.

As if you thought you heard the last of it, come on.

It has been four months since the verdict was rendered, and now the Depp / Heard defamation trial is set to be dramatised even further with a new movie.

Hey, at least it’s not an eight-part series. Heaven help us.

Tubi is releasing Hot Take: The Depp/Heard Trial into the world, starring Mark Hapka and Megan Davis as the warring exes, notes Entertainment Weekly.

The trailer features familiar touchstones from the trial, including Depp’s courtroom nonchalance, the intense scrutiny of Heard on social media, and yes, even a reference to James Franco — who was included on Heard’s witness list but never called to testify.

Watch the trailer for what Tubi declares was “the most-watched trial of the year” if you must:

Variety mentioned that it seems Hot Take aims to evenly present both sides of the controversial story of the formerly married couple, which is good, I suppose.

If there were Depp devotees who travelled from far and wide to attend the hearings and camp outside the courtroom, then there is definitely an audience for this, the producers and filmmakers were thinking.

The film, out today on the free, ad-supported Tubi service, is written by Guy Nicolucci (The Daily Show) and directed by Sara Lohman (Secrets in the Woods).

Tubi apparently fast-tracked the movie’s production to make it timeous and relevant.

I am just not sure why anybody would be keen to go through all that again.
