[imagesource: Emily Frost / Shutterstock]
In my teens and early twenties, I thought heartburn was something that only old people suffered from. Aside from my one friend who chowed Rennies like they were candy, it just wasn’t an issue.
Then, out of nowhere one day, I felt a weird, hot sensation in my chest and it was time to admit that I was now ‘an old person’ who suffered from heartburn. Oh, the inhumanity.
Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux and is caused by irritation to the lining of the oesophagus caused by stomach acid.
I have no desire to gobble up meds so instead, I make a conscious effort to avoid things likely to cause heartburn. In terms of fruit juices, says Healthline, it’s worth monitoring how much pomegranate juice you drink:
Pomegranate juice lacks fiber, since the seeds and flesh are discarded…
Acidic foods, including acidic juices like pomegranate juice, may trigger heartburn for some folks who live with this condition…
Here’s a possible explanation: Since we know that increasing fiber intake can help reduce reflux, it may be that by removing fiber from the pomegranate, the effect of acidity on reflux increases without that protective buffer.
This is not a perfect science, though, and there are mixed results when it comes to acidic beverages and reflux research.
Reflux can also be caused by a wide range of factors such as smoking, caffeine and alcohol, meal timing, and meal volume.
Fruit juice fans who don’t want to give up the good stuff should consider those with lower acidity:
Lower acidity fruits include melons, papayas, mangoes, cherries, pears, and figs. These could be good alternative juice options if you’re trying to manage reflux and heartburn.
As a general guideline, vegetables contain less acid than fruits. If you’d like, opting for green juices made with spinach, carrots, cucumbers, and celery is also an excellent option.
Green juices, you say? I think we know a guy.
The Sir Fruit Green Machine is packed with spinach, cucumber, spirulina, wheatgrass, apples, and other goodies to deliver a serious health punch alongside its great taste.
We should also mention the Green Sir Fruit Cold Pressed – apple, cucumber, spinach, kale, and mint.
The cold-pressed process involves the use of a special juicer that uses a hydraulic press and a slow pulveriser.
This protects and preserves the nutrients of the fruits and vegetables because no heat is generated in the cold-pressing process and results in you getting 100% of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and nutrients.
This upcoming weekend, with our men in green and gold taking on the All Blacks, is the sort of occasion where you could sink a few Springbok shooters in celebration (or commiseration, but we hope not).
Should that be the case, you might find yourself looking for a cleanse of sorts.
If we can condemn the All Blacks to their sixth loss in seven tests, I’d say those Springbok shots were worth it.
To reduce the risk of acid reflux and heartburn, it’s also worth walking after meals and avoiding lying down straight after eating.
You can also try reducing or eliminating spicy and fried foods at dinner, and even elevate the head of your bed so gravity can help prevent acid from creeping into your oesophagus while you sleep.
I guess heartburn comes for us all one day.