Thursday, March 27, 2025

No Punches Pulled In Netflix Docuseries, ‘The Most Hated Man On The Internet’ [Trailer]

Take a moment to think of all the awful people online, making the world a worse place day in and day out, and then let's dig into the story of Hunter Moore.

[imagesource: Jason L Nelson / AdMedia / Corbis]

Being labelled “the most hated man on the internet” takes some doing.

Take a moment to think of all the awful people online, making the world a worse place day in and day out, and then let’s dig into the story of Hunter Moore (above).

In 2010, he created the revenge porn website ‘Is Anyone Up?’ which wrecked untold lives. He now finds himself the subject of a Netflix docuseries, from the same people who made The Tinder Swindler and Don’t F**k With Cats, two heavy hitters where the subject has been painted in a very unflattering light, and rightly so.

The Most Hated Man on the Internet is a three-parter which drops on Netflix today (July 27). The basics below via GQ:

[It] chronicles from start to finish the rise and spectacularly satisfying fall of Moore, who ended up behind bars after an unlikely band of allies came together to end his terrible misdeeds…

The official synopsis promises “poignant, exclusive interviews with multiple women and men who fought to have their images taken down, law enforcement agents who worked the case and the crusaders who fought to take Moore down,” documenting his “comeuppance at the hands of the only force more fearsome than an army of internet trolls: a mother protecting her daughter”.

Hell hath no fury like an angry mother.

Let’s see that trailer:

There’s a certain irony to the fact that Moore declined to be interviewed for The Most Hated Man on the Internet, but producers went ahead with the docuseries anyway.

For those who can’t be bothered to watch three one-hour episodes, here’s an update of where Moore is these days.
