Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Zapiro’s Latest Cartoon Sums Up The Petrol Price Crisis

South Africans are rapidly redefining what 'within walking distance' means as the price of fuel continues to rise.


As of Wednesday, a litre of 95 unleaded petrol will set you back R26,09 at the coast and R26,74 inland.

In January 2022, in case you can’t quite understand how insane the recent price hikes have been, unleaded 95 was R19,71 per litre inland.

We are still one way off the panic-inducing R40 per litre warnings that have been spoken about. However, with the war in Ukraine raging on, sanctions against Russia are unlikely to be dropped any time soon and the madness will continue.

South Africans are rapidly redefining what ‘within walking distance’ means. I can also see relationships being dubbed ‘long-distance’ if one requires more than a few litres of petrol to get there.

If you don’t laugh, you cry, goes the saying, and Zapiro’s latest cartoon for The Daily Maverick, titled ‘Sky High’, really drives home the point:

Sure, that’s a stretch but you’d be surprised at what is actually cheaper than fuel these days,

Business Insider SA listed 10 items that now cost less than a single litre of petrol. Wait for it…

Image: Checkers / Business Insider SA

Yes, a bag of avos from Checkers.

Not the Woolies already ripened ones – don’t get carried away. The cheapest two-pack of ripened avos I could find on Woolies’ online store was R35 for two.

If (when?) we cross that petrol to avo threshold, we will be well and truly doomed.

To finish, an ad that really rings true:
