[imagesource: YouTube / Carte Blanche]
Making the decision to emigrate is always a toughie.
Then comes the arduous task of packing up and shipping your goods to your new home across the globe, which is bound to add additional stress and strain to the process.
Enlisting the help of a logistics company to aid in the process is advisable. Just make sure you’ve done your homework because some companies appear to fall well short of what they promise.
Take for example BOS Logistics, which recently featured on Carte Blanche.
Before we get to that segment, we should point out that checking consumer review website Hellopeter is always advisable.
These are the four most recent reviews for the company:
Hellopeter really is a great way to check a business’ track record before committing. Just ask the people who used PC Link Computers and came to regret it.
Perhaps those reviews are what caught the attention of Carte Blanche and they zeroed in to see what they could uncover:
In a saga of loss, betrayal and frustration, Carte Blanche investigates the business offering of a Cape Town logistics company that left several emigrating clients antsy.
Dodging complaints with the most creative excuses for failing to deliver possessions – from shipping delays, containers not being offloaded, and truck strikes – we go in search of actual answers.
Assuming the company was up to the task to deliver their goods safely and timeously, how did some items end up dumped on strangers’ doorsteps – in the wrong country?
Touching down on the other side of the world without your belongings is enough to make the blood boil.
As you can tell from the segment, which aired last month, customers are very much less than impressed, and neither is Derek Watts: