Saturday, March 22, 2025

Anaconda Ball Pit, Butt X-Ray, And Other ‘Jackass’ Classics As Told By Johnny Knoxville [Video]

Looking back over his long and illustrious career, Knoxville recently sat down for an interview and spoke about the most famous 'Jackass' moments dating back to its inception in 2000.


It’s the end of the road for the Jackass crew.

Jackass Forever was released on February 4 to generally positive reviews. By this stage, you know what you’re getting yourself into when you watch Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, and the rest of the cast so if it’s not your thing then steer clear and move on with your life.

One surprising aspect of the filming of the crew’s final movie (they promise) was the fallout between Knoxville and Steve-O. It appears those issues have now been resolved and both have admitted they could have handled the situation better.

Looking back over his long and illustrious career at the helm, Knoxville recently sat down for an interview with GQ and spoke about the most famous moments dating back to its inception in 2000:

Jackass Forever brought about some of the wildest moments the franchise has ever seen, but these guys have been at it with their stunts and pranks for nearly two decades.

Join Johnny Knoxville as he breaks down the biggest ‘Jackass’ moments, from the “Anaconda Ball Pit” to the “Toro Totter.”

I’m not a massive fan but a few of these moments ring a bell.

Pro tip – if you move along the time tracker bar you’ll see you can pick and choose your moments:

I may as well show you the moments we referenced in the headline.

You’ll need to watch them on YouTube (age restrictions and all that) but here’s the anaconda ball pit segment:

Who could forget the butt x-ray classic?

Doctors find all sorts of weird things up their patients’ behinds these days.
