Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February 1, 2022

New To Reddit? Start With These Five Fun Subreddits

If you must waste time on your phone, or at your desk, then there are better ways to do so than doomscrolling through Facebook and Instagram.

[imagesource: TechCrunch]

You’re already on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, and YouTube and wasting plenty of time as is.

Fair enough.

If you must waste time on your phone, or at your desk, then there are better ways to do so than baby pictures and examples of why you no longer communicate with so many friends from high school.

Let’s chuck Reddit into the mix, which can be a little confusing at first glance.

What you want to do, once you’ve looked through the posts on the front page, is find some good subreddits. Essentially, these are different topics for conversation, and there is no shortage of the absurd.

Paste has compiled a list of surprising and fun subreddits and we’ve picked our favourites.


Who among us does not have a regrettable era of personal fashion somewhere in our past?

r/blunderyears is reddit’s premier destination for self-deprecation, as users post photos of themselves as children, teenagers or young adults and bemoan the fact that they ever thought they could pull off that hairstyle, or their brief obsession with taking photos posing with ninja weaponry.


There’s no shortage of subreddits beginning with “tales from,” covering a wide variety of walks of life and careers, but I especially appreciate r/talesfromthepizzaguy, which also encompasses food service workers from every corner of the globe.

An example of one of the top-rated posts on the subreddit:


If there’s a hall of fame for individual subreddits, r/mildlyinteresting will almost certainly end up there someday. This is the kind of community that really sums up the reddit experience as a whole—a collection of images, .gifs and experiences that all genuinely qualify as “mildly” interesting.

The idea is that these are small, bite-sized pick-me-ups or bits of interesting information that can be quickly consumed and then discarded, likely never to be considered again.


There are a lot of subreddits dedicated to nature, animal photography and the natural world, but how many of them are fucking lit, brah? Such is the simple, central conceit of r/natureisfuckinglit, which dedicates itself to the majesty of the great outdoors, except sprinkled with flame emojis and a general sense of childish exuberance.

What’s fascinating about the array of selections here is that they aren’t all the animal footage and photos that one would likely expect—there’s also quite a few beautiful vistas, hiking panoramics, or simply top-notch backyard photography.

This is the top-ranked post ever:

Yeah, that is lit AF.


A subreddit that has sadly and understandably had plenty of fodder in the years since 2016, r/nottheonion is dedicated to the kinds of egregious headlines that have made many of us numb—headlines so hideous, morbidly hilarious or hard to believe that they really seem like they should have come from The Onion, but somehow didn’t.

A look at some of the top-voted posts and you can see the last few years have been ripe for the picking:

Amusing and depressing in equal parts, I guess.

I’ll add in a favourite of my own – r/tifu, short for ‘Today I F*cked Up’. It’s pretty self-explanatory and is the home of one of the most (in)famous threads ever.

Let this be a lesson to us all.

Here’s another great list of legendary threads from years gone by to get the ball rolling.

I genuinely hope I have helped you find a more entertaining way of passing the time than doomscrolling through social media.
