Thursday, March 27, 2025

January 11, 2022

Trailer For ‘Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’ Drama Remake Is Finally Here [Video]

In 2019, fan film writer and director Morgan Cooper released a mock trailer for a dramatic reimagining of a 1990s classic. Will Smith noticed and the rest is history.

[imagesource: Peacock]

In 2019, fan film writer and director Morgan Cooper released a mock trailer for a dramatic reimagining of a 1990s classic.

That The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air trailer eventually caught the attention of Will Smith and it wasn’t long before the project was given the green light.

Fast forward a year or so and now we have the actual trailer for Bel-Air, Peacock’s modern-day reinterpretation.

More via Engadget:

…Bel-Air re-envisions the classic ‘90s sitcom as an hour-long drama series. All the main characters from the original return, including Uncle Phil and Carlton, though they may not be like you remember them.

That’s most apparent with Carlton who comes off as bashful in the trailer. Thankfully, at least Will’s best friend Jazz looks true to his inspiration…

Will Smith’s Westbrook Studios produced the series, with Cooper serving as director, co-writer and executive producer.

If Carlton doesn’t do his dance at least once we riot.

There’s zero chance this will become the cult classic that the original is but that’s an unfairly high bar to set.

Will Smith released the full trailer via his social media channels yesterday:

The first three episodes of Bel-Air will air on Super Bowl Sunday (February 13) with the rest following on a weekly basis.
