Tuesday, March 11, 2025

January 11, 2022

Best Tweets From The Hilarious ‘Prof Tim Hoakes’ Spoof Twitter Account

You've heard about Tim Noakes (Banting and all that), but have you heard about Tim Hoakes?

[imagesource: Twitter / @ProfTimHoakes]

Tim Noakes has become a rather divisive character.

Once the poster boy for the ‘Real Meal Revolution’ and the high-fat, low carb Banting diet, these days the Prof is usually found tweeting about the evils of Dr Anthony Fauci and pushing back against the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

There’s also the usual ‘mainstream media won’t tell you this’ narrative interspersed among his hundreds and hundreds of retweets.

Say what you want about his eating habits but he’s helluva active on social media.

Enter Prof Tim Hoakes, a spoof Twitter account that pokes fun at Noakes with some clever barbs.

The spoof account has been blocked by the real Noakes and it’s not hard to see why.

Yesterday we were treated to this classic:

I’ve zoomed in a little closer on the back cover copy for your enjoyment:

Surely even the Noakes acolytes have to find that amusing?

I’ve handpicked a few other gems from days and months gone by:

I will not be a sheep to Big Pharma or Big Seatbelt!

As a bonus, take a look at the single account Tim Hoakes follows. If you know, you know.
