Snoop Dogg has been busy this past decade.
He went from being Rastafarian convert Snoop Lion to a born-again Christian gospel artist and even dabbled with being a celebrity chef since his 2018 cookbook, From Crook to Cook.
The other pastimes that Snoop has dabbled in are venture capitalism, philanthropy, Bollywood acting, movie producing, marijuana smoking and merchandising, sports commentating, and E-sports league owning.
Then, “everyone’s favourite west coast canine” snagged a job at Def Jam, which is largely the reason why his 19th album is finally here.
Snoop Dogg Presents: Algorithm:

The Guardian gave the album four stars:
The Algorithm’s concept is too boring to explain, but thankfully the music isn’t. Uncle Snoop hosts, drifting in and out of most of the album’s 23 songs, sounding less sleepy than on some of his recent efforts.
Among the veterans, Method Man, Busta and Mary J Blige step up best, alongside decent tracks from relative newcomer Jane Handcock.
‘Big Subwoofer’ and ‘Murder Music’ are the obvious bangers, but if you tire of fiftysomethings salivating over strippers and shootings, try rising star October London’s solid contributions ‘I Want You’ and ‘Qualified’.
‘Murder Music’, everyone:
Clash Music, which gave the album seven out of 10, revealed that the diverse sounds – “with Snoop’s trademark West Coast funk rubbing shoulders with pop, R&B and even dancehall” – inspired the album’s title.
It’s an eclectic mix, and the quality’s as variable as the sound. But by jumping from style to style, and showcasing artists who really ought to be better known, Snoop keeps the party as scrumptiously enjoyable as his recipe for Spaghetti de la Hood. And that’s all he’s really trying to do.
As he tells us at the start of the album, “Now tonight I’ll be bringing some of my old friends and some of my new friends, but the whole point is: we gonna have us some fun tonight.”
One more song for the road: