Tuesday, February 25, 2025

November 17, 2021

Here’s The Fox News ‘You’ Mix-Up Everybody’s Laughing At [Video]

Laura Ingraham and her guest were attacking 'woke TV', as one does to drive ratings and rile the masses, when the conversation took a comical turn.

[imagesource: Twitter / @arlenparsa]

The phrase ‘Fox News’ is something of an oxymoron.

The cable network is less ‘news’ and more ‘gradually rotting the brains of the American people’.

That’s aside from the role it played in downplaying the threat posed by COVID-19, which has now claimed the lives of at least 785 000 Americans.

Laura Ingraham’s latest blunder occurred during an interview with Raymond Arroyo on her show, The Ingraham Angle.

The pair were attacking ‘woke TV’, as one does to drive ratings and rile the masses, when the conversation took a comical turn:

Arroyo is referring to You, the Netflix series which has worsened with each season and is now totally unwatchable.

Is this a ‘bit’ the two of them are doing? A sketch of sorts?

I suppose that’s entirely possible, in which case it becomes all the more apparent why there are no successful right-wing late-night talk show hosts.

Penn Badgley, the star of You, reckons it’s staged:

I’ve watched enough You to understand that Penn should be able to recognise bad acting.
