Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Hilarious Moment Quiz Show Contestant Gets His Homers Mixed Up [Video]

If I say the name Homer, I'm willing to bet the first thing you think of is the chap from 'The Simpsons'.

[imagesource: Twitter / @graemedouglas]

If I say the name Homer, I’m willing to bet the first thing you think of is the chap from The Simpsons.

No judgement, because I do the same.

But if I used the phrase “in his epic poems” before mentioning the name Homer, I would expect you to know that I’m likely referring to the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, which are world-famous works of ancient Greek literature.

Under the added pressure of the lights and cameras, however, that was a distinction a contestant on British quiz show Tipping Point was unable to make.

As Huff Post points out, host Ben Shephard did pretty well to stifle laughter, but it was clear he was shocked by the answer he received:

Hang on, because things get better.

A second contestant also walked into the trap, before reality struck home. Watch from the 15-second mark:

His face just before he says “oh” at the end there is priceless.

By the way, the answer to the question is ambrosia. In Greek mythology, that’s a dessert made with oranges and shredded coconut.

So, not a doughnut then.

While you’re here, we may as well show you another highly embarrassing TV moment, involving an exchange between Formula One commentator Martin Brundle and Megan Thee Stallion.

Everything about this, from Sunday’s US Grand Prix, is cringeworthy:
