Thursday, March 27, 2025

Get Paid R100k To Watch All ‘The Simpsons’ Episodes To Help Predict The Future

A UK casino is putting 'The Simpsons' fortune-telling capabilities to the test by hiring a Simpsons Series Analyst who will be paid to watch all the episodes and provide feedback.

[imagesource: 20th Century Fox]

The Simpsons have garnered quite a reputation for predicting the future.

Or rather, the show’s writers are the ones with the knack for fortune-telling.

One episode from 19 years ago predicted that Donald Trump would one day become the president of the United States.

In other episodes, Homer discovered a revolutionary scientific theorem 14 years before its discovery and the animators drew The Shard in London almost 20 years before it was built.

It has also apparently predicted the 2013 horse meat scandal, the COVID-19 pandemic, and more recently, the fuel shortage across Britain.

The show, evidently, has often been months, years or even decades ahead of global news events.

The Independent has a selection of 13 times The Simpsons “predicted” the future.

With nearly 700 episodes that span over 30 years, it makes sense that the show has managed to cover most of the possible events that can unfold in our limited existence.

It is eerie and fascinating though, and fun to test if anything.

A casino in the UK couldn’t agree more, and they’ve set up a special role to take this prediction game seriously. says that they are intrigued to see what 2022 will hold after a tough couple of years, and are putting The Simpsons to the test:

Hired to watch all episodes of the popular American sitcom, The Simpsons Series Analyst will get paid to note down standout events from the show, to help us predict the probability of each one happening.

All you need is a love for The Simpsons and something to watch all the episodes on. Also, you have to be 18 years or older.

The role is available for eight weeks, with a minimum of 35,5 hours of work a week, so all 284 hours of the show and spinoff film can be watched over the employment period.

During each episode, the new hire will be asked to take notes on stand out storylines to provide feedback to the casino’s team of prediction experts.

They will then compile the events into a list of future predictions with a probability of each one happening.

Payment for the eight-week role will be £5 000 (R100 000), or the equivalent in your chosen currency, which works out to be £17 per hour (R340) and approximately £6,80 (R140) per episode.


To apply, head over here.
