Thursday, March 27, 2025

September 27, 2021

Hands Down The Most Ridiculous Car Crash Near Miss We’ve Seen This Year [Video]

Look at that white Toyota Hilux entering at high speed from the left. It's going to plough into a car, surely?

[imagesource: Sky News]

Look at that white Toyota Hilux entering at high speed from the left.

It’s going to plough into a car, surely?

As the headline suggests, no, with the driver and her two-year-old child incredibly fortunate to escape with their lives.

According to police in Darwin, Australia, the 33-year-old woman allegedly lost control, failed to negotiate a turn, and crashed into a Cash Converters at around 5PM on Thursday.

The NT Independent reports that her Hilux went through six lanes of traffic without colliding with a single vehicle:

The driver and her child were taken to the Royal Darwin Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, police said, although the child is believed to have suffered “serious head injuries”.

It’s understood both the woman and child were wearing seatbelts.

There’s no doubt this story would have had a more tragic ending if they weren’t.

This video comes with a few slow-motion replays:

Authorities are still investigating exactly what factors may have caused the incident, with Superintendent Daniel Shean stressing that “drivers are reminded to always drive with due care and attention”.

That, and buckle up.
