Friday, February 28, 2025

September 20, 2021

Anti-Vaxxers Out In Full Force In Sea Point Again [Videos]

Estimates range between around 500 to 600 attendees at Saturday's march, which makes it most likely the largest gathering of the sort in Cape Town.

[imagesource: Twitter / @africaquiche]

What is it about the Sea Point Promenade that anti-vaxxers find so appealing?

Perhaps it’s the fact that police tend to turn a blind eye to maskless gatherings that flout COVID-19 regulations that tips the scales.

Estimates range between around 500 to 600 attendees at Saturday’s march, which makes it most likely the largest gathering of the sort in Cape Town.

The protest formed part of the ‘Worldwide Rally for Freedom’ with similar protests taking place across the world.

Naturally, there were plenty of references to 5G, genocide, and all the usual falsehoods that come with such a gathering.

IOL reports that “there was no clear order on the day, and various people addressed the crowd whenever they wanted to.”

That included a girl who looked to be around 10:

One man who spoke, who goes by Pastor John, said an even bigger march would take place in Cape Town on October 15:

“We will shut down all the vaccination centres,” he said as crowds cheered him on.

“We will gather 250 000 people, Amandla!”

Hang on – so you want the freedom to choose whether you get the vaccine, but you’ll shut down vaccine centres, thereby denying that same right to others?

Seems a little contradictory.

Be warned – Cape Town is ‘rissing’:

There was a lot of confidence placed in the immune system:

Bill Gates also came under fire:

I wonder where these people will go if their immune system doesn’t deliver the goods, and they end up getting really ill from COVID-19?

My guess is to one of the high care units at a Cape Town hospital, where healthcare workers, pushed well beyond breaking point already, will do their utmost to save their lives.

Funny how they’ll trust the doctors and nurses then, but stroll around the promenade (or even outside a hospital) waving posters now.

Masks were obviously not a popular garment at the rally. Even though police were in attendance, they did little to enforce any COVID-19 regulations:

Only after the gathering died down did the police take action. Again via IOL:

Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said a case docket in terms of the Disaster Management Act (DMA) will be opened, as the demonstration was unlawful.

“The protesters were peaceful and we confirm no damages or injuries were reported as Sea Point police monitored the movement of protesters

“A case docket (DMA) will be opened as the march was illegal,” he said.

That’ll show them.

A spokesperson for World Wide Demonstration South Africa, Clay Wilson, also said more was to come:

“We cannot make educated decisions about these ‘vaccines’ if we don’t know what they contain. ‘The science’ is telling us that it mitigates the symptoms, however new data is showing that that isn’t necessarily the case.

“A lot more needs to be researched about this subject before we mass vaccinate.”

Let’s dive into some data released by the Western Cape health department yesterday:

…during the week of August 14 to 20, when the Western Cape was in its peak of the third wave of Covid-19 infections, 2 455 people over the age of 60 contracted the virus, of which 92% of people were not fully vaccinated.

Of the 729 people who required hospitalization, 96% were not fully vaccinated.


Also of interest:

Astroturfing can be defined as “the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organisation to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants.”

And what do you find if you look closer:

No, you’re a sheep, says the person punting Ivermectin.

Here’s where we stand in South Africa at present.

A digital vaccination certificate, which was supposed to be ready by the end of last week, is expected to be ready soon.

It will verify that you have been vaccinated and is likely to be used when going to watch live sport, or your favourite band, or travelling abroad.

According to the South African government’s website, The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires employers to “provide and maintain as far as is reasonably practicable a working environment that is safe and without risks to the health of workers and to take such steps as may be reasonably practicable to eliminate or mitigate the hazard or potential hazard”.

If you want to know more about how that works regarding mandatory vaccinations, as is the case with Discovery employees, for example, read here.

If you want to see how ‘vaccine passports’ have been implemented in other countries, read here.

If you want to live in a perpetual cycle of COVID-19 waves and variants, ignoring healthcare workers’ pleas and crushing hopes of a return to some degree of ‘normal’ in years to come, then continue to push falsehoods around the safety of the vaccine.
