Thursday, March 13, 2025

Why Vitamin D Is So Crucial To Keeping Us Happy

If you're not getting enough and running on empty, you'll feel tired, sluggish, struggle to sleep, and even start to gain weight.


We’ve all felt sick, sluggish, or down, and had someone tell us to go outside and catch some rays.

Fair enough, because being exposed to the sun can give you that delicious dose of the “sunshine vitamin” which floods your system and helps your body fight infection.

But getting this essential Vitamin D3 is not that simple for those two who live their lives in front of the computer, or cooped in an office, or at home, giving us less quality time with the sun.

Then again, the sun’s ability to damage just as much as it can give is also off-putting.

Being more conscious about protective sunscreen application is why natural levels of this super nutrient can end up declining in our bodies.

Nobody is saying you should trade in sun protection for pure sun exposure, however, because it is crucial to keep sun-safe while also ensuring your Vitamin D3 is at an optimal level.

Vitamin D affects pretty much every system in the body as it is a hormone precursor, meaning it’s a signal to regulate a host of inner functions.

If you’re not getting enough and running on empty, you’ll feel tired, sluggish, struggle to sleep, and even start to gain weight.

This isn’t exactly a licence to lie in the sun for hours, but rather motivation to treat the issue from the inside out.

While Vitamin D3 gets produced in your skin in response to sunlight, it’s also equally attainable as a fat-soluble nutrient from food like egg yolks, oily fish, and red meat.

Either way, if you’re not getting all the Vitamin D3 that you need, then getting a blood diagnostic analysis can be the first step to getting things back on track.

Skin Renewal is just the place to do this. A medical aesthetic doctor can adequately determine imbalances not only in your vitamin levels but also in your hormones, minerals, and nutraceuticals, too.

Once the lab work is done, your doctor can investigate the results, and prescribe supplements if there’s anything, like Vitamin D3, that needs a top-up.

Taking oral high potency Vitamin D3 has many advantages, like the immune system and antioxidant support, keeping your bones strong, and making sure your heart and brain stay healthy.

There’s also the added benefit of reducing inflammation in the body and boosting your immune system.

Now more than ever, extra support is needed for our immunity.

That’s why thinking about supplementing with Vitamin D3 as part of your overall vitality is an advisable first step.

To check your Vitamin D3 levels, make an appointment with one of the doctors at Skin Renewal.