Monday, March 10, 2025

August 24, 2021

#MilkCrateChallenge Takes The Internet By Storm [Videos]

The latest dangerous viral internet challenge is the Milk Crate Challenge, where some succeed, many fail, and everyone knows it is a terrible idea.

[imagesource: Twitter]

The internet loves a good challenge, whether it be planking, Tebowing, the Ice Bucket Challenge, or flipping a bottle.

We haven’t seen one in a while, and considering the misery and boredom that’s come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, you would have thought that a viral internet challenge would have popped up sooner.

These challenges are great for connecting people across the world, after all, and giving everyone an opportunity to laugh at people being intentionally reckless and dimwitted.

Online users are welcoming the Milk Crate Challenge, which started on TikTok and has since become a viral internet sensation, with open arms.

The challenge is for “willing Darwin Awards participants” to try and get over a terribly unstable pyramid of stacked milk crates.

While some succeed, many more fail and fail spectacularly.

SBNation has a pretty decent explanation:

The brave souls who attempt the Milk Crate Challenge looked at 2021. They saw millions of people willing to throw their lives away because a discredited doctor on Facebook told them the COVID-19 vaccine contained silver particles and Ryan Seacrest’s DNA, and said “yanno, I’d like to do something really dumb too.”

They fashioned their janky towers of heavily used plastic with the care of Icarus sticking bird feathers together with wax. Milk Crate Challenge participants are also known for flying too close to the sun.

Onwards we go, with all of the falls, flips, and flops of the Milk Crate Challenge:

This guy, who wobbles for a good few minutes on the top, has earned a good chuckle:

Then you get some showoffs who attempt the challenge with their own unique twist:

There’s even a Twitter account set up for this challenge – the Official Milk Crate Challenge News Source:

One woman attempted it with heels:

They make it look too easy, which is wrong, because it isn’t:

Where all the milk crates come from, that’s anyone’s guess. But there are some theories:

Featuring peak capitalism:

All these videos will soon be buried in the internet archives, and the challenge will fade into obscurity.

For now, though, it’s worth enjoying.
