Thursday, March 27, 2025

Everyone’s Talking About Ramaphosa And His ‘Stolen’ iPad [Video]

President Cyril Ramaphosa was left perplexed, and a little embarrassed, when he couldn't locate his iPad before making an important announcement.

[imagesource: YouTube/ News24]

I wonder if it is a condition of living in South Africa that the minute something gets lost, the first thought we have is that it was stolen.

I’ve seen people run around with their phones in their hands or their glasses on their heads, claiming that they’ve been taken.

Even our president, Cyril Ramaphosa, had a moment before delivering an important announcement in Cape Town yesterday.

TimesLIVE reports that he was about to announce that the National Ports Authority was now an independent subsidiary of Transnet, but when he went up to the podium the first thing he said was “I am looking for my iPad. Somebody stole my iPad.”

He continued after being met with silence all around:

“Somebody decided they want to dispossess me of my iPad, so I want that. Can I have my iPad please? They stole it.”

The video of Ramaphosa standing with absolute puzzlement and near-silence while he asks after his iPad has been widely ridiculed:

After yet another moment of silence for the “stolen” iPad, Ramaphosa turned to acting presidency spokesperson Tyrone Seale and revealed; “I had my iPad. I had it in my hand. It’s gone. I have lost it, it seems.”

Seale then asked Ramaphosa to take a seat while officials tried to locate the device.

Finally, the iPad was reunited with Ramaphosa, which allowed him to continue as planned.

For future reference, Cyril and co, Digicape has some great iPad deals going on.

What I don’t understand is why our president couldn’t simply speak off the cuff for a moment? That silence was excruciating to watch.

Perhaps this tweet from the Presidency can clear the air:

Unless this tweet from Simon Grindrod, a former Deputy Leader of the Independent Democrats, does a better job of explaining things:

Ja, no, shame, hey?
