Sunday, March 16, 2025

Four Bogus Cellulite Myths Busted

Getting rid of cellulite is a multi-faceted task, which requires a multi-layered solution. It also requires some popular myths to be busted.

[imagesource: Pavlovska Yevheniia / Shutterstock]

The dimples on your face: adorable.

The dimpling on your butt or legs: debatable, perhaps.

Although neither are flaws because cellulite is natural, normal, and very common, it’s fine if you are interested in learning how to get rid of your ‘orange peel’ skin or at least reduce the dimpled appearance.

First off, we need to know what causes that look we know as cellulite.

Your skin is tethered to your muscles by fibrous connective cords, which is filled with fat in between. These fat cells plump up and push towards the skin’s surface while the cords pull it down, and this creates the dimpling.

Your amount of body fat, distribution of fat (which is influenced by genetics), skin thickness, and the strength of your connective fibres all play a role in whether or not you have cellulite.

While improving the look of cellulite is possible, you can see that it is a rather complex condition, so a quick fix does not exist.

Instead, this multi-faceted problem requires a multi-layered solution. It also requires some popular myths to be busted, so let’s get stuck in.

Losing weight and exercising

You probably saw the mention of fat cells earlier and thought that losing weight was the best solution to getting rid of cellulite, but that is not necessarily true.

While weight loss can make your silhouette sleeker, it can’t change the underlying structure of your skin.

The same goes for exercise. If you build muscle, this can create something smooth for the fat to lie on and may help improve the look of things, but not always, as there’s only so much muscle you can build.

Drinking more water

Nobody is saying don’t drink water. Always drink water because it is brilliant for every inch of your body.

But once again, no amount of hydration is going to change the structure of your skin, or influence what’s causing your cellulite.


Sure, liposuction can help you remove excess fat.

But, as you guessed, it’s not changing the skin’s overall structure, and the results aren’t guaranteed to be even.

In fact, in many cases where people have used liposuction, its worsened cellulite because the fat is removed irregularly.

Lotions and potions  

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that there is no magic potion or lotion that you can massage into your skin to get rid of cellulite.

If there was, we wouldn’t be here now.

There’s just no single miraculous active ingredient capable of changing our skin structure in such a dramatic way that it would blitz cellulite like a magic bullet.

Although, topical products can enhance the integrity of our skin, which contributes to winning the war against lumps and bumps.

But again, it’s not a magic bullet.

Finally, we can move on to talking about the real solutions.

There’s no need to feel discouraged by the long list of things that won’t work.

The experts at Body Renewal are well-versed in the art of dramatically improving the look of cellulite, and their years of experience in tackling this tricky problem have proven that the most effective treatment is actually a combination of several different solutions.

The Fat, Cellulite & Tightening solutions packages is one such multi-layered treatment with great effects.

Another, for if you are dealing with stubborn cellulite, is their Classic solution package combined with subcision, a treatment in which doctors break the fibrous connective cords that cause the dimple effect.

The treatments from the Classic solution package, including carboxytherapy, will stimulate lymph drainage, break down superficial fat, and stimulate collagen creation.

Also included is radiofrequency (RF) treatment that helps to smooth out the area by “melting” the fat and shrinking the fat cells.

Ingenious, really.

To get started, make an appointment with one of Body Renewal’s highly skilled doctors.