Bodies can be quite… quirky. Unique. Full of surprises.
Some people are born with anomalies; an extra finger, more than 10 toes, a tooth not in their mouth.
There have also been cases where people are born with two penises, and now there’s the first recorded baby to be born with a third penis.
A baby born with two penises is called diphallia and affects one in every five to six million babies, whereas a case with three penises is called triphallia.
A baby born in Iraq last year was the first recorded human with this condition.
According to the Jerusalem Post, in 2015, there was one other baby born in India with three penises but the case wasn’t recorded in a medical study so it remains unverified.
Apparently, it wasn’t obvious that the baby in Iraq was born with three penises as only two were visible initially. Later, the parents noticed a more swollen scrotum, only to be told by doctors that there was indeed a third penis.
As per Mashable:
The second penis was approximately 2cm long, and was connected to the first penis at the base, while the third penis was 1cm long and was located just below the scrotum.
The baby did go for an operation to remove the extra two, which was successful, and there were no problems a year after the procedure:
Although the case happened in 2020, it has only recently come into the spotlight as a history-making first.
A study on the strange occurrence was published in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, and it reported the case as being puzzling due to the baby’s lack of exposure to drugs in the womb and a lack of hereditary genetic conditions.
Truly fascinating.
Speaking of more than one penis, a man went viral in 2015 (a big year it seems), claiming to have two 10-inch-long fully-functioning penises, which he used to have sex with over 1 000 people.
He is dubbed ‘DoubleDickDude‘, if you want to go down that wormhole.