Sunday, March 23, 2025

March 23, 2021

Just Some Guys Casually Flying Drones Through An Active Volcano [Videos]

Some brave drone operators got up close and personal with a volcano in Iceland, giving us a unique look at an eruption.


It appears to be the season for volcanic eruptions.

Europe’s most active volcano, Mount Etna, blew its lid last month, sending a “rain of stones” down on neighbouring Pedara.

Earlier this month Mount Sinabung exploded in Indonesia, sending volcanic materials upwards of 16 400 feet into the air and depositing ash on nearby villages.

Volcanoes erupt quite frequently. What sets these apart is the scale and imminent danger that they pose.

In both cases, photographers and videographers managed to capture some stunning images and video of the events as they unfolded, but they’ve got nothing on Björn Steinbekk, who took his drone out and recorded some truly stunning footage right up close to the erupting Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland.

10 points if you can pronounce Fagradalsfjall.

Per VICE, Fagradalsfjall erupted for the first time in 800 years, following a series of small earthquakes experienced in Iceland over the past few days.

Take it in:

No one is in danger because Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik, is far enough away from the volcano not to be affected.

As long as everyone keeps their distance, they’ll be fine.

Here’s more footage posted by Ása Steinars:

Just for fun, and because it’s another display of masterful drone flying, please enjoy this recent viral video of a drone making its way through a bowling alley:

The video was captured by Sky Candy which also produced this journey through the Mann Movie Theatre in Plymouth:

