Wednesday, March 26, 2025

February 25, 2021

Wow – Woman Whips Off Underwear In Pick N Pay To Use As Mask [Video]

We've all left the house without a mask before, followed by the hurried shuffle back inside to grab one. This is certainly a rather unusual approach.

[imagesource: Facebook / Sabrina Chiloane]

I genuinely cannot believe what is happening at Pick n Pay outlets these days.

If ever you needed another reminder to treat retail and supermarket workers with respect, especially in the midst of a pandemic, consider that it’s only been a week since a full-blown mask meltdown by an unidentified Karen at a Pick n Pay store went viral.

Her sense of entitlement was rivalled only by her lack of understanding of the law, and now we have this.

Again, an unidentified Pick n Pay outlet, and again, a total lack of respect for the staff who are simply following the law.


If that video doesn’t work for you, here’s one from Twitter:

Total madness.

Also, she only lifted one leg to get her underwear off. Is she wearing the thing correctly, or was this pre-planned as some sort of protest, or prank?

If you compare the outfits worn by the two female shoppers seen above, with the outfits worn by the women who feature in last week’s video, you’ll notice some similarities.

To jog your memory, here’s a reminder of last week’s incident:

In fact, it appears that this week’s video may well show what happened directly before last week’s video.

I guess that’s good news, in that the poor staff only had to suffer through this nonsense once.

Small mercies.
