Reality TV seems to be going the same way as porn (sort of).
If you can imagine it – there’s a show about it.
Some of the weirder ones include Born in the Wild, where you watch women give birth in nature.
Then there’s an odd take on The Bachelor called Who’s Your Daddy, where a woman moves into a mansion with a group of men, but instead of looking for love, she’s looking for her father.
Finally, worth a mention is I Want To Marry Harry, where a group of women are convinced that they’re competing to marry Prince Harry, even though the guy playing him looks nothing like him.
ELLE put together a fantastic list of the most horrible ones out there if you’re keen for some ‘cringe-viewing’.
Blown Away is a little different. It seems like a boring premise (who wants to watch people make vases?), but according to Mashable, people love it, and for a very weird reason.
They want to eat the glass.
…something about watching a syrup of melty goodness become candy-colored sculpture is irresistible. The desire to touch the hot glass (do not), lick the finished glass (do not), or otherwise consume it (you will die) is strong for some people and nonexistent in others — but why does that desire exist at all?
Carol Coricelli, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Western Ontario and an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Gastronomic Sciences, says that when they say that:
“Everything happens visually, so you don’t have to eat it. The interesting part is, even just viewing that food activates the taste area, so the insula, that is the primary gustatory cortex, is activated. So when we say ‘the first taste is with the eyes’ it has a scientific basis.”
There’s also a “reward” element to it. We eat to stay alive but also for pleasure.
“I think that’s where all of what we’re looking at here lies. We know that we don’t eat just to restore our energy balance, that’s the homeostatic part. [There is also] the hedonistic part, the reward part, everything that gives us pleasure…so looking at something very beautiful that could seem edible really activates that reward system.”
So it’s texture, beauty, and the fact that it looks like candy.
See for yourself:
Someone casually throwing out the line “the glory hole is so hot”, was enough to prompt me to give it a try, if just for the unintended innuendo.