Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Long History Of Pranks Between George Clooney, Brad Pitt, And Matt Damon [Videos]

The three Hollywood heavyweights clearly enjoy each other's company, although if you drop your guard for a second there's a chance you'll end up pranked.

[imagesource: Getty / Venturelli]

Being friends with George Clooney comes with some bonuses, and some pitfalls.

For example, Clooney has long enjoyed playing pranks on his co-stars, some of which are very devious, which we’ll get to in a moment.

On the flip side, in 2013 he also gave 14 of his closest friends $1 million in cash each, recently telling GQ his side of the story for the first time.

Clooney was named GQ’s Icon of the Year, and the written interview also came with a video interview of his most iconic characters, from the likes of O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Ocean’s 11, Ocean’s 12, Ocean’s 13, The Descendants, and Midnight Sky.

You’ll notice I left Batman & Robin off that list. It was intentional.

If you’re a massive Clooney fan, you can settle in and watch the entire 35-minute GQ interview below, but I have enough respect for you to know that isn’t going to happen.

Instead, NewsAU has covered some of the pranks and tomfoolery Clooney covered above:

…Clooney recalled how Pitt made him out to be a diva while they were shooting the 2004 film [Ocean’s 12] in Lake Como where Clooney lives.

“Brad sent out a memo to all the people in the town – my town! I’ve lived there for years – but he had it posted on telephone poles. It said, ‘The movie is coming to town, and please only address George Clooney as Mr Clooney, and his character’s name is Danny Ocean, and don’t look him right in the eyes.’”

The local press fell for the prank, resulting in some negative headlines for Clooney.

“The papers were like, ‘George Clooney is Il Divo!’ It was a horrible story,” Clooney laughed.

Turning somebody’s own home town against them – harsh.

Here are Pitt and Damon telling the story from their perspective:

You’ll notice talk of Clooney writing letters as a form of pranking.

Here he is elaborating on that tactic:

Perhaps he had it coming.

There’s also the prank he pulled on Damon when they were filming The Monuments Men.

Observe, with a bonus prank on his own father:

The above isn’t in chronological order, but you can see a clear pattern emerging.

Let’s finish with the time that Pitt said he’ll marry Angelina Jolie when Clooney marries his boyfriend, and how that snowballed.

Start from the 1:20 mark:

It’s true – a man did strip for Clooney and profess his love at a press conference.

I wonder if Amal enjoys these antics, or if she has asked her husband to tone it down a little.

As long as everyone’s happy.
