Sunday, March 16, 2025

September 30, 2020

BusinessTech Compares Price Of Groceries At Woolies, Pick N Pay, Spar, And Checkers

The price wars are underway at Pick n Pay, Woolworths, Checkers, and Spar. BusinessTech has run a comparison, so let's see which one gives you more bang for your buck.

[imagesource: iStock]

You’re not imagining it – the price of food seems to be on the rise, and watching that final figure steadily climb at checkout isn’t good for the blood pressure.

If the buyer’s remorse sets in as soon as the packet of doughnuts you bought on impulse beeps its way into your total, you’re not alone – I’ve been there.

Eating them when you get home helps.

This year things are a little tougher, in part due to the pandemic and the economic effects of the lockdown, which led to job losses and business closures.

A recent article on the effects of the lockdown on the wages of domestic workers, for example, showed that the rise in the cost of living, coupled with average salaries received, placed a significant number of people on the back foot when it comes to supporting their families with basic necessities.

As one of the largest employment sectors in the country, this speaks to a nationwide problem, also reflected in Stats SA’s latest Labour Force Survey for the second quarter, which recorded 2,2 million job losses over the lockdown period.

So how much bang are you getting for your basket? BusinessTech has been tracking the cost of a basket of goods the average middle-class consumer would buy for five years, and their latest results are out.

The focus is on staples and basic necessities, with prices from Pick n Pay, Checkers, Spar and Woolworths.

You can check out a summary of their findings in the table below:

Image: BusinessTech

Predictably, Woolworths remains the most expensive option for shoppers, a title that they’ve held onto for a number of years.

The ‘No Name Brand’ products are Pick n Pay’s in-house brand.

The above table is just a snapshot of the price comparisons BusinessTech has run, so head here if you want the in-depth breakdown.

For the sake of my bank balance, I’ll be leaving that packet of doughnuts on the shelf for the foreseeable future.
