Monday, March 3, 2025

“Faeces In His Bed” – Explosive Allegations On Day One Of Johnny Depp / Amber Heard Libel Case

The first round of evidence in Johnny Depp's defamation case against The Sun involved stories that not even a tabloid could dream up.

[imagesource: Glenn Hunt/EPA/Shutterstock]

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s divorce is in the running for the worst breakup of all time.

For one thing, it’s been going on for years, and despite the fact that the actual divorce was official a while back, the dispute about why it happened, how it was reported in the media, and who physically assaulted who continues.

Depp and Heard are in court again, this time in a defamation case brought against the tabloid, The Sun, by Depp.

He took action over allegations that he was violent towards Heard. At last count, James Franco, Elon Musk, and Cara Delevingne have all been dragged into the drama.

The trial started this week, with both Depp and Heard in court, and as the evidence was put forward, things got…weird.

According to Sky News, Depp said that he knew his marriage was over when he “found faeces in his bed”.

The court heard a claim from Depp that Heard punched him in the face on a plane and also threw bottles of vodka at him, severing his finger.

Depp’s lawyer submitted the following picture of Depp, allegedly taken after the above incident, into evidence:

Image: Sky News

More key evidence included:

  • In a witness statement, Depp calls Heard “calculating” and “sociopathic”
  • Transcripts of a recording were read out in which Heard calls Depp “a f****** baby” after allegedly hitting him

There is apparently a recording of this argument where Heard says “you got hit… but I did not punch you. I did not f****** deck you. I f****** was hitting you”.

Image: Court Sketch/ Elizabeth Cook/The Associated Press

More details were also put forward about the ‘bed faeces’ incident:

  • Depp claims Heard “or possibly one of her friends” defecated in their bed, with Heard allegedly describing it as “just a harmless prank”
  • His lawyers say it is “not a case about money” but “vindication”, with the Pirates Of The Caribbean star, 57, wanting to “clear his reputation” following the claims
  • They argue that Heard, 34, has “invented these stories of serious violence”
  • In court, the actor spoke about his drinking and drug-taking over the years, and admitted to having taken drugs including marijuana, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, magic mushrooms and prescription pharmaceuticals
  • Heard’s spokesman released a statement before proceedings started, saying she is trying to “move on” from their relationship but instead has been “dragged to court to give evidence on some of the most distressing moments of her life”

Lawyers for The Sun say that the tabloid’s description of Depp was “entirely accurate and truthful”, while Depp says that he tried to deescalate physical fights allegedly instigated by Heard.

Depp said he was on a private chartered flight in late 2014 or early 2015 with Heard, when she became “verbally aggressive”.

Image: Sky News

He wrote: “Then she became physically violent and repeatedly punched me in the face. As I moved towards the back of the plane to get away from her, she followed me into the plane’s bedroom and punched me again in the face and the head.

Image: Sky News

“I pushed her away from me, on to the bed. I then grabbed a pillow and locked myself in the bathroom, where I slept for the duration of the flight.”

Guys, it goes on and on. How either of them made it out of this relationship alive is a mystery.

You can read more lurid details from day one here and here.
