Monday, March 3, 2025

June 25, 2020

No Skaam: Convicted Killer In Courtroom Tells Survivor He Wishes He Had Killed Her Too [Video]

Convicted murderer and white nationalist Jeremy Christian lost his cool in court when a victim confronted him about his crimes.

On May 26, 2017, Jeremy Christian boarded a train in Portland, Oregon.

Onboard, he spotted two black teenage girls, Destinee Mangum and Walia Mohamed, and proceeded to hurl racist and anti-Muslim slurs at them.

Two passengers, Ricky John Best of Happy Valley and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche of Portland, among others, tried to intervene in an effort to protect the girls. Christian, who describes himself as a ‘white nationalist’, stabbed them to death and injured a third person, Micah David-Cole Fletcher, in the process.

Following a trial by jury, Christian has been found guilty on 12 counts including murder, attempted murder, and a hate-crime committed against a black woman, Demetria Hester, the day before.

He was sentenced on June 24, to two life sentences for the attack.

The day before his sentencing, reports Mercury News, Demetria Hester, who suffered a serious eye injury when Christian struck her with a bottle the day before his deadly rampage, was given the opportunity to confront her attacker.

Hester described him as a “white supremacist” and a “plague on society”, before saying “when you die and go to hell, I hope you rot”.

Following this, Christian verbally attacked her, saying he’d “see her there”, and yelling, “I should have killed you!”

Watch – a warning that there is strong language in the video:

Cool hairstyle, bro.

There are no words strong enough to describe just how revolting this man is.

This also isn’t the first time he started shouting in court.

Christian had also yelled during his 2017 arraignment. Facing a courtroom that included Micah Fletcher, the surviving victim of the stabbing, he shouted, “Free speech or die, Portland! You’ve got no safe place. This is America. Get out if you don’t like free speech.”

He continued: “Death to the enemies of America! Death to Antifa! You call it terrorism, I call it patriotism. Die!”

May he rot in jail.
