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Nothing messes with my vibe more than adverts while I’m trying to enjoy content on YouTube.
A friend of mine has developed a passionate hatred for the toothpaste commercials in particular. The mere mention of them sends him into a lengthy monologue on capitalism.
And it’s not just YouTube. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to fight my way through a gauntlet of adverts before I can read the article hidden somewhere beneath.
At least for that, there are ad blockers, but that’s not always the case with YouTube.
Every now and then, however, there’s a glitch in the matrix, and a simple solution presents itself.
Make my day, Hypertext:
At the weekend while trawling through the internet we stumbled upon a rather neat trick that removes advertising from YouTube.
While ad-blockers are the first choice for many this trick is arguably far simpler than installing an ad-blocker though if we’re honest that isn’t exactly straining yourself.
Last week a Reddit user discovered that by including an extraneous full stop after the .com in a YouTube URL would remove advertising.
I tried the trick on a video that guides you through a mac and cheese recipe on one of my favourite channels, Binging With Babish.
The video is part of the ‘Basics with Babish’ series if you want to check it out:
So, here’s how the trick works.
The URL for the video looks like this:
You’ll notice that there’s no full stop after youtube.com.
When you load the video using the above URL you may get something like this:
Now for the trick – add a full stop after the ‘.com’, like this:
Boom. you’re ad-free:
As if the fact that tomorrow is a public holiday wasn’t enough to take the edge off Monday, now you can spend it binge-watching YouTube sans the irritation of a sales pitch.
The toothpaste will have to wait.