Come on, maaaaate.
When the Western Cape was in the midst of the Day Zero panic, lawns across the province were left to die a slow and painful death.
That’s unless you were one of those midnight waterers, with neighbours turning on each other and outing anybody that flouted the restrictions.
In a way, it was good preparation for what was to come, because with live sport still on the back burner, ratting out one’s neighbours regarding lockdown rule-breaking seems to have become the national pastime.
Down Under, one homeowner in Googong, New South Wales, wasn’t at all impressed with the media covering Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s briefing last Thursday.
This from ABC News:
…Morrison was mid-sentence at the launch of his Government’s HomeBuilder scheme — designed to stimulate the construction industry and keep builders employed — when an irritated voice interrupted.
“Can everyone get off the grass, please? Come on,” a homeowner yelled from his front steps.
The highlight of the exchange is the homeowner’s exasperated chirp that he’s just reseeded the area.
Whilst Morrison isn’t popular with many Australians, he handled this exchange pretty well:
A more amicable ending than the Ozzie sexual fantasy gone wrong we reported recently.