Tuesday, March 18, 2025

April 24, 2020

Cyril Versus The Face Mask – Memes And Video

President Ramaphosa ended his address to the nation last night by putting on a face mask. It didn't exactly go according to plan.

Before we start, let’s make one thing clear.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, based on advice from various leading experts across multiple fields, has done a fine job of handling the coronavirus pandemic thus far.

We acted swiftly, we acted decisively, and lives have been saved as a result.

(If you want to read more on what alert level 4 means, and what life might be like from next Friday (May 1), head here.)

He’s been let down by some of his ministers, and troops on the ground, but that’s already been discussed at length.

Still, when times are tough, the nation needs a chuckle and the odd meme-worthy moment, and last night Ramaphosa delivered just that.

The president is probably running on empty, and hasn’t had a proper night’s sleep in who knows how long, so maybe it’s no surprise that his attempt to put on a face mask didn’t go to plan.

I have no doubt you’ve seen this already, but let’s relive the moment:

We’ve all been there, and thankfully, it seems that most South Africans found it highly relatable.

The memes were almost instantaneous – here are a few from Twitter:

At this stage, you’re more than welcome to trawl through Twitter for more memes – just check out #RamaphosaMaskChallenge and #maskchallenge.

OK, one more:

Look, you’ve probably received loads over WhatsApp, so let’s move on.

Who’s keen to see something interesting? Here’s Professor Marc Mendelson, a Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Cape Town, showing how to put on a mask.

Watch from the 1:20 mark:

Yes, our president wasn’t that far off, bar a little mishap here and there.

Even Ramaphosa himself thinks it’s worth a chuckle:

Thanks for the laughs, Cyril. Here’s hoping you get a decent night’s rest soon.
