Thursday, February 27, 2025

Woman Arrested After Deliberately Coughing On Supermarket Food

There's panic buying, and then there's coughing on all the food so that it has to be thrown away.

Countries all over the world have been forced to implement extreme measures and law changes in an effort to contain COVID-19.

Most people are happy to stay indoors and follow the rules, and many have banded together to do what they can to make things a little easier on those around them.

Then there are the select few, who seem to defy all logic in their reactions to the pandemic.

Two men in South Africa could be facing attempted murder charges because, after testing positive for coronavirus, they continued to go about their daily lives as if nothing had happened.

Then last night, the lockdown had barely begun when a group of people were arrested for partying past midnight.

It’s not just here that people are losing their minds.

A supermarket in Pennsylvania, USA, was forced to throw away $35 000 (over R600 000) worth of food, reports Sky News, after 35-year-old Margaret Cirko allegedly, deliberately coughed on it.

Gerrity’s Supermarket […] described the woman’s actions as a “very twisted prank”, and said it had no choice but to discard all of the items she came into contact with.

Co-owner Joe Fasula said the store’s fruit and vegetable aisles – as well as its meat and bakery – were targeted in the incident.

He goes on to talk about the fact that while it’s always sad when food is wasted, this kind of disregard for the crisis that everyone is facing, and concern over the food supply, makes him “sick to his stomach”.

“It truly saddens us. We are doing our best to provide everyone a safe environment & the items they need during this time including our seniors & those who are immunocompromised.”

Cirko has since been arrested. When police arrived at the grocery store, they found her telling people that she was sick before coughing on the food.

“Cirko continued this behaviour in several aisles before attempting to steal a 12 pack of beer as she was being ordered to leave the store by employees.”

She has been charged with terrorist threats, threatening to use a “biological agent”, criminal mischief, attempting to commit retail theft, and disorderly conduct.

I think Cirko might need to see a specialist. This doesn’t sound like something someone in their right mind would do.

The store shelves have been wiped down and disinfected, and fully restocked.

Cirko is being held in police custody.
