Friday, March 28, 2025

March 24, 2020

Here’s How Discovery Members Can Get A Virtual Doctor Consultation

Ideally, we would all have the luxury of being tested for the coronavirus, or COVID-19, but that's obviously not an option.

These are scary times we live in.

Ideally, we would all have the luxury of being tested for the coronavirus, or COVID-19, but that’s obviously not an option.

In addition, every precautionary test done in person uses up valuable medical resources like masks and gloves, and means a trip out in public that brings with it obvious risks.

As we prepare for a 21-day lockdown (read about what that entails here), and the likely explosion of cases around the country and the world, medical providers and schemes are looking at ways to ease the strain on the healthcare sector.

For Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) members, there is the option of a virtual consultation with a COVID-19 care team of doctors.

Via the Discovery website, here’s how that works:

When your doctor is registered on HealthID and DrConnect, you can book an appointment with your doctor and speak directly to them on a video call or messaging service. Your doctor can give you medical guidance about your risks and symptoms while you are at home and can direct you on your eligibility for testing, your need to self-isolate or to go for a face-to-face consultation if you need it.

…With its online consultation service, doctors can make appointments and assess their patients using the virtual consultation booking system through HealthID DrConnect.

Discovery outlined a six-step list to get started:

The COVID-19 information hub offers a quick risk assessment questionnaire related to COVID-19 exposure. If you answer yes to certain of the scenarios, we recommend you immediately book a consultation with your doctor.

Click on consult virtually with a doctor

We will show you some additional information to get you started and then you can book a virtual consultation

You can choose to book and appointment with your own doctor, if they are available. While COVID-19 is a national health crisis, you now also have access to a dedicated COVID-19 Care Team of doctors to consult with.

Give these doctors consent to view your Electronic Health Record.

You can now consult virtually, using video or text, through our DrConnect platform.

You can access DrConnect through the Discovery website or app, and once an appointment is booked, a reminder will be sent.

We are not affiliated with Discovery in any way, but it is good to see measures like these being taken as we enter what is going to be one of the most trying times in this country’s modern history.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably in a position to access private healthcare, but for the majority of South Africans, that is not the case. Remember that when you feel frustrated about being cooped up at home, because self-isolation is for the good of every South African, not just yourself.

Feel free to drop information about steps other medical insurers are taking to lighten the load on our healthcare system in the comments section, and we can update the story with those.
