If you’re ever having a bad day at work, just remember that at least it’s not happening in front of a captive TV audience around the country.
Those who work in the media often suffer in real-time, as we watch on, and YouTube compilations of news bloopers rack up millions of views every month.
A few examples, if we may – here, here, and here.
Down Under in Australia, their bloopers are always solid gold, and the Guardian decided to compile a list of some of the standouts from years gone by.
First, what makes a blooper?
To steal a quote from former supreme court justice Potter Stewart talking about pornography: “I know it when I see it.” And these are the ones that you simple can’t unsee.
Didn’t expect to hear a former supreme court justice talking about porn in this story, but off we go.
Roll tape, starting with “distressingly human bloopers” which show that these professionals are human, too:
This one leaves its mark:
A pretty torturous rejection ahead:
Save the kisses for off-air, after you’ve asked permission.
Weather reporters are often the butt of the joke in the newsroom, which is certainly the case here.
Crappy pun, I know, but who really cares? You came for the videos.
That chap above, Steve Jacobs, has clearly been abusive towards birds in a past life (or this one), because this also happened to him live on air.
Start from the 50-second mark:
That’s quite a set of lungs Steve has.
I guess you could consider this video below revenge, although I can only imagine the number of complaints the show must have received in the days that followed.
Start from the 1:50 mark, and stay for the guy’s goofy grin as he reels in his catch:
It’s tough to categorise this below, but it may well be the most famous on-air WTF moment in Australian TV history.
Start from 20 seconds in:
That man needs to be tested for rabies.
Alright, that’s enough of that – you can find more infamous Ozzie bloopers here.
Before you head out, though, I think it’s imperative that you watch what may well be the most awkward on-air interview of all time: