Tuesday, March 25, 2025

February 3, 2020

Bizarre Scenes As Drones With Speakers Are Telling People To Wear Masks In China [Video]

Whilst the streets of Wuhan are empty, people in other parts of China are being scolded from the sky.

The coronavirus continues to strike fear into people around the world, and the first death outside of China has now been confirmed.

As of Monday morning, the official death toll stood at 361, and you can track the real-time spread of the virus here.

Parts of China are on lockdown, including most of Hubei province, which is where you’ll find Wuhan.

Wuhan is the epicentre of the virus, and videos of eerily empty streets have spread around the world.

On Friday, footage emerged of drones actually scolding citizens who were seen without masks on, in the northern province of Inner Mongolia, more than 1 600 kilometres from Wuhan.

Here’s the footage:

I get that there is a health risk here, but being harassed by a drone when going about your daily life is perhaps the most terrifying aspect of the above footage.

With so much misinformation being spread around, this is an important caveat to the above:

The state of China is always keeping a close eye on its citizens, but those first two videos are a private citizen doing the talking.

Still, never great to be told off by a booming voice from above.

One more video of the desolate city streets of Wuhan before we go:

