Saturday, March 22, 2025

November 22, 2019

Sacha Baron Cohen Unleashes On Facebook And Zuckerberg [Video]

Sacha Baron Cohen used his speech at the Anti-Defamation League Leadership Awards to tear Facebook, Zuckerberg, and the rest of Silicon Valley a new one.

If we reported on everything that Facebook gets up to, we’d probably report on nothing else.

Data privacy scandals, attempts at creating cryptocurrency, accidental election meddling – they’ve done it all.

As America approaches another election, Facebook has been in the news again, this time over what should and shouldn’t be allowed on the social media platform.

Mark Zuckerberg has been under pressure to regulate fake news on Facebook, but has thus far been reluctant to make any changes to Facebook’s policies and procedures. He believes that “people should decide what’s credible, not tech companies”.

That’s all good and well, but as The Wrap points out, two-thirds of Millennials say they haven’t ever heard of Auschwitz.

Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is tired of Zuckerberg’s reluctance to take responsibility for what he calls “the greatest propaganda machine in history”. He decided to use his speech at the Anti-Defamation League Leadership Awards to call out Facebook, alongside Google and Twitter, for their part in spreading false information and hate speech.

The attack on Facebook kicks off at around 3:57, if you want to skip ahead to the good stuff. Although it is worth starting at the beginning for his opening joke about Stephen Miller’s labradoodles.

Hard to argue with that.

A summary from The Daily Mail:

In his remarks, Cohen blasted Zuckerberg and five other tech executives that he dubbed collectively as ‘the Silicon Six’ – a group that includes Google CEO Sundar Pichai; Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin; YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki; and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

The Silicon Six—all billionaires, all Americans—who care more about boosting their share price than about protecting democracy,’ Cohen said.

‘This is ideological imperialism – six unelected individuals in Silicon Valley imposing their vision on the rest of the world, unaccountable to any government and acting like they’re above the reach of law.’

Most of his criticisms were reserved for Zuckerberg:

‘It’s like we’re living in the Roman Empire, and Mark Zuckerberg is Caesar,’ the Ali G funnyman said.

‘At least that would explain his haircut.’

He really does need to do something about that haircut. You may recall that when Zuckerberg appeared in front of the Senate Judiciary and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation committees last year, some ridiculous questions were asked.

The haircut featured in more recent proceedings, in a ridiculous question to top them all.

I can live with the haircut, however, if he gets on making Facebook a little less propaganda friendly.

In the meantime, check your sources before unleashing full-scale panic on your friends and family.

Linda in the Neighbourhood Watch group chat is not and never will be the fountain of all knowledge.
