Monday, March 17, 2025

November 7, 2019

Angus Buchan Has Put His Foot In It Again

Pastor Angus Buchan seems intent on sowing division amongst South Africans, and has been forced to issue an apology after his latest faux pas.

[imagesource: Deon Raath, Gallo Images, Netwerk24]

It’s been a while since we’ve written about Angus Buchan, and that’s a good thing.

Shall we revisit how he believes women should submit to men, or how he told Capetonians we are all filthy sinners? Nah, there’s plenty to write about the latest incident, anyway.

The ‘Faith Like Potatoes’ pastor has landed himself in hot water after he said that only Jewish people and Afrikaans people ‘shared a covenant with God’.

Listen from around the 45-second mark:

In case you’re pressed for time, here’s what Angus said via News24:

“Everybody is welcome as always to our meetings but this time the emphasis will be on the Afrikaner nation, we are going to call out to God remembering that only two nations in the world have ever been in covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They are the Jewish people and the Afrikaans people, that is fact.

Angus was promoting a prayer meeting at Loftus Versveld Stadium on February 1 next year, called “Staan op vir Jesus”, and if there’s no such thing as bad press, then I guess that’s mission accomplished.

As is to be expected, the EFF (otherwise known as the looters of the poor) was frothing at the mouth to score cheap political points,

Enter Godrich Gardee, the party spokesperson, with this since-deleted tweet:

Threatening murder is so Juju 2018, man – get with it.

Godrich later withdrew his comments after Buchan’s apology started doing the rounds.


Isn’t it tiring constantly putting your foot in your mouth, Angus?

Also, I’m not sure if you heard, but this nation recently had a pretty cool moment of #StrongerTogether, so let’s try and ride that wave for a while, hey?

One group that wasn’t accepting the apology was the Christians of South Africa (Cosa), reports IOL:

“To us this sugar-coated apology lacks reason, remorse and sensitivity. The party is confident that this Angus Buchan has reached his sell-by-date and needs to retire with immediate effect,” Cosa said in its statement.

“In the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks,” Cosa said.

The organisation said that it would be hypocrisy to allow Buchan’s “uncontested credentials in the Christian community to cloud our approach to his neo-nazism statement of madness”, calling on every South African to distance themselves from Buchan.

“This Verwoed descendant needs to wake-up to reality – God bless us all,” Cosa said

We’re happy to distance ourselves from Angus, and Cosa, thanks.

Hey Angus, if the people of this country ever grow tired of you, I’m sure the White House would be happy to have you.
