Monday, March 17, 2025

Seth’s Personal Pics Prove The iPhone 11 PRO Is A Game-Changer For Creatives And Influencers

If you’re involved in any kind of social media or image-related social media marketing, you simply cannot ignore the low light and tight space photo capabilities of this thing.

With social media playing such a big role in business marketing these days, it’s hard to ignore the ‘creative’ space that we all find ourselves thrust into. No longer do we need to understand imagery, colours, composition and whatever jargon comes with photography, as we simply point our phones, shoot, and add filters.

We also learn new tricks along the way. A friend will lean over and give you a tip about the photo you’re taking or editing, and suddenly you realise some functionality on your phone that you weren’t aware of, or didn’t think you needed.

A lot has been said about the features on the new iPhone 11 PRO – in particular, the camera and improved battery life. I’ve been rolling with the new model for a few weeks now and I was wondering if I really would take advantage of the improved camera. Well, let me tell you something, it is a complete and utter game-changer.

If you’re involved in any kind of social media or image-related social media marketing, you simply cannot ignore the low light and tight space photo capabilities of this thing.

I’ve been taking pictures for social media and clients of Malawi Cane, Cabine du Cap and Café du Cap over the past few weeks and need to show you what I’m talking about.

How frustrating is it when you want to convey the scene at night at an event or venue well, and you can’t? It’s always a disappointment and you find yourself telling people “the pictures don’t do it justice”.

You then end up having to get professional lighting or a professional photographer, or you just deal with poor quality images.

Check this out. These pics were taken in lighting that would make photos on the previous model iPhone seem almost completely black.

Constantia and Cabine du Cap.

At Cabine du Cap, I’ve always struggled to get pictures inside Weaver’s Nest, the little side tent we have as an add-on. Finally, I’m able to take pics that convey the full space in one image, rather than a number of disjointed images:

And finally, I can take snaps of my bar at home.

For the Main Cabin, I’ve never been able to take one picture from the deck to show how everything fits together. Boom!

Pretty cool, right?

Here are a few more of Cafe du Cap and the Malawi Cane showroom:

The thing is you don’t need something until you have it. Then you make use of it, and you wonder how you ever coped before.

You were coping, but things could be better. This phone makes it all possible, and it just does it all itself.

To drive the point home, here a few more pics I took, that I just love the quality of.

Maz and Mudge, in situ.

Check out the iPhone 11 PRO at Digicape – the camera, grunt, and battery are a complete game-changer.