Tuesday, March 18, 2025

October 18, 2019

They’ve Got This Fascinating Live ‘Blob’ On Display In A Paris Zoo [Video]

This weird organism is not a plant or an animal, has no mouth but can eat, and no brain but is capable of learning. Meet the 'blob'.

When the world ends, the only surviving organism will probably be the ‘blob’.

The ‘blob’ is a yellow, unicellular, small living creature which looks like a fungus but acts like an animal.

It’s also the newest display at the Paris Zoological Park.

The ‘blob’ has been used in a number of scientific experiments but scientists still don’t understand it.

The Guardian breaks down why it’s so weird:

[The ‘blob’] has no mouth, no stomach, no eyes, yet it can detect food and digest it.

The slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, also has almost 720 sexes, can move without legs and heals itself in two minutes if cut in half.

At 720 sexes, I would give just about anything to see a ‘blob’ gender reveal party.

“The blob is a living being which belongs to one of nature’s mysteries,” said Bruno David, director of the Paris Museum of Natural History, of which the Zoological Park is part.

“It surprises us because it has no brain but is able to learn … and if you merge two blobs, the one that has learned will transmit its knowledge to the other,” David added.

Check it out:

The ‘blob’ got its name from the 1958 science-fiction horror B-movie The Blob. 

In the film, an alien life form that looks like a blob consumes a small town in America.

Let’s hope the real ‘blob’ doesn’t get any ideas.
