Tuesday, March 25, 2025

September 30, 2019

John Oliver Reckons This Latest Scandal Could Spell The End For Trump [Video]

Thus far, Donald Trump has managed to weather storm after storm, but is the new whistleblower report the scandal that finally brings him down?

It’s easy to tell when the Orange Menace is feeling antsy because he spews out tweet after tweet, similar to that of a petulant child who’s been told they can’t have the new toy they wanted.

Donald Trump was in full voice this weekend, and that’s probably because he knows the walls are closing in.

Trevor Noah called it last week, and now John Oliver, on his show Last Week Tonight, has done the same.

For those catching up, an impeachment inquiry into President Trump has been launched, over a whistleblower report that contains damning allegations.

We won’t steal too much of John’s thunder, because he does a good job of outlining why this, finally, may be the scandal that breaks the camel’s back:

If that video gets taken down, you can see it in full here.

Too long, didn’t watch? Via the Daily Beast, this is the gist of John’s argument:

“Unlike the Mueller Report’s legalistic descriptions of obstruction of justice, Trump pressuring Ukraine to get dirt on his opponent and then hiding the conversation is easy to understand. It’s just gettable. You don’t need to know any more than that to know it’s something presidents absolutely should not be able to do,” Oliver explained, adding, “This particular Trump scandal does start to feel a little different, and something that is absolutely meriting of impeachment—especially because the fact that it is so consistent with all of Trump’s other behavior suggests that it is a pattern that will continue until he leaves office, one way or another.”

There are even signs that some of the anchors at Fox News are starting to turn on Trump, like rats jumping ship, and without the support of his favourite propaganda network, Donald’s goose may finally be cooked.

Bonus video – here’s a look at some of what went down on Saturday Night Live this weekend, including Woody Harrelson as Joe Biden:
