Tuesday, March 25, 2025

August 26, 2019

Man Filmed Waking Up At The Wheel Of His Tesla (Driving On The Highway)

Yet another driver has been busted sleeping behind the wheel of his Tesla, and fellow road users aren't happy about it.

Meanwhile in California…

A couple driving on a busy highway spotted a man asleep behind the wheel of his Tesla.

At this point in time, this isn’t unusual. A series of videos were doing the rounds for a while showing people in various sleeping positions while their self-driving cars did the work.

You can watch those videos here and here.

Tesla pleaded with people to stay awake while driving, but it clearly hasn’t worked.

Here’s CNN with the video and some details:

The car clearly managed to stay in its lane. While that’s impressive, it’s also against the law.

Tesla’s autopilot mode reduces the overall workload for drivers, according to the company’s website.

“Autopilot is intended for use with a fully attentive driver, who has their hands on the wheel and is prepared to take over at any time,” the company’s website says. “While Autopilot is designed to become more capable over time, in its current form, it is not a self-driving system.”

In other words, Tesla, and everyone else on the road, wants you to stay awake with your hands on the wheel.

If this continues they’re going to have to create some kind of test for buyers to filter out the idiots.
