Emily Ratajkowski grew out her armpit hair.
That’s literally the whole story.
So why should we care?
We shouldn’t, but people do care. They care a lot. So here we are.
For those of you who don’t know yet, women also have armpit hair, which some choose to shave off. Some people choose not to shave it off. There are no rules that say women aren’t allowed to have armpit hair.
Now you know.
Emily Ratajkowski posted a picture of herself on Instagram showing off her recently grown out pit hair in correspondence with a recent article for Harper’s Bazaar where she talks about ‘hyper-femininity’, and what feminism means to her.
Here’s The Huffington Post:
Emily Ratajkowski is unapologetic about how sexy she feels when she grows out her body hair.
“On any given day, I tend to like to shave, but sometimes letting my body hair grow out is what makes me feel sexy,” the model and actress wrote.
“If I decide to shave my armpits or grow them out, that’s up to me,” Ratajkowski continued. “For me, body hair is another opportunity for women to exercise their ability to choose ― a choice based on how they want to feel and their associations with having or not having body hair.”
Ratajkowski explained that she views the choice to grow or shave body hair as an innately feminist decision.
It’s no secret that Ratajkowski considers herself a feminist. She was famously arrested alongside Amy Schumer at a protest for women’s rights in Washington.
“There is no right answer, no choice that makes me more or less of a feminist, or even a ‘bad feminist,’ to borrow from [writer] Roxane Gay,” she added. “As long as the decision is my choice, then it’s the right choice. Ultimately, the identity and sexuality of an individual is up to them and no one else.”
Her post on Instagram, which has over two million ‘likes’, has garnered a lot of positive support.
A few people, mostly men, were dicks about it, but Emily deleted their posts. This one managed to make it through, but has since been removed from the comments feed:
That frog-pickle has no idea what he’s talking about.
The long and short of it is, women have a right to choose what they do or don’t do with their bodies.
It’s a simple idea which unfortunately still needs to be spelt out every now and then.
Enjoy your armpit hair, Emily.