Friday, March 21, 2025

Brits Freak Out Over Filth In Boris Johnson’s Car

On the list of things to freak out about with regards Boris Johnson, the state of his car isn't a top priority. Still, it's worth a look inside.

On the list of things to freak out about with regards Boris Johnson, the state of his car isn’t a top priority.

Start here to get a sense of how Boris has made a career out of public gaffes, and we’ll move onto his wheels.

Earlier this week, pictures started doing the rounds showing the inside of Johnson’s Toyota Previa GX, which was parked outside his home in south London.

Much like that mop of hair atop his noggin, and British politics in general, it’s a complete mess, and the press is having a field day with it.

What does it tell us about a man who has made it abundantly clear that he is willing to lie, cheat, and do anything to gain power?

To begin, here’s the Times:

[The] floor is covered with takeaway coffee cups, discarded receipts, Ikea and Sports Directs bags, books and crumpled items of clothing.

Buried under a grimy woolly hat and an unopened water bottle was a copy of Britannia Unchained, a Thatcherite book co-authored by Dominic Raab, a former rival of Mr Johnson’s who was knocked out of the leadership contest yesterday. Other books in the car included a French edition of the Tintin story The Blue Lotus.

Tintin and Britannia Unchained – an interesting mix.

Before you ask, yes, he does have children. Their names are Lara Lettice Johnson, Theodore Apollo Johnson, Cassia Peaches Johnson, and Milo Arthur Johnson.


The Guardian is also having some fun, asking if “the cartons, crumbs and crumpled clothes a sign of a muddled mind”:

“I’m in shock,” says Lynsey Crombie, the cleaning expert known online as the Queen of Clean. “A tidy car is a tidy mind.” Crombie only uses her car a couple of times a week, so she cleans it every month. “In a car that you use every day, you should try and spend 10 minutes on it every week. Prioritise getting the clutter and rubbish out. Take out the stuff that doesn’t need to be there – do you really need to have loads of books and a sports kit that’s not been washed?”

“Don’t encourage kids to eat in cars,” says cleaning expert Aggie MacKenzie…

Still, she thinks Johnson’s car is “hilarious”. It’s partly a class thing, she says. “Toffs don’t care about the mess they live in, and actually why would he need to worry about anything so pifflingly unimportant as the inside of his car? That’s another argument, but I do think there’s something about a state of chaos that’s bound to spill over into his own head and life.”

Yes, the front seat is also a bit of a mess:

The Sun is also talking about it, but they’re a filthy rag so we won’t quote them or link to their story, whilst the Daily Mail seems quite interested in the presence of some Dutch cheese crackers.

If we take a step back and look at the outside, there are reports of pigeon turd and a car in need of a good wash.

I suppose it makes a decent change from the incessant talk about Brexit, right?
