Friday, March 21, 2025

June 18, 2019

Former Bulls Rugby Player Accused Of Assaulting Dentist In Jealous Rage

A former Bulls rugby player allegedly lost his cool when he spotted a dentist talking to his ex-girlfriend outside a Pretoria pub.

Maybe it’s the ‘bro culture’, or maybe they’ve just been high-tackled one too many times, but rugby players are not sporting a good look lately.

The Crusaders rugby team did a stellar job of representing their country when they were accused of verbally abused patrons inside the McDonald’s located at the top of Long Street back in May.

More recently, an unnamed former Bulls player flew into a jealous rage and assaulted a dentist outside a pub in Pretoria.


Here’s News24 with a play-by-play of the events of the evening:

Markus Botes, whose left cheekbone is fractured, told News24 that he was at Mystic Bull restaurant in Hatfield with friends when he ran into a woman who was the sister of one his former classmates at the University of the Western Cape, where they both studied dentistry.

The woman happened to be the rugby player’s ex-girlfriend. After the restaurant, Botes and co went to another pub, where they ran into the rugby player. When it was time to leave, Botes and the woman walked outside together to wait for an Uber.

He says the player then approached them and started talking to the woman.

While he was speaking to her, Botes said he noticed that the player was standing in an “aggressive posture”.

“I saw that he was very aggressive and I left it. I was on my way home and my Uber was there already. Just before I got into my uber, I heard a voice behind me asking: ‘Markus, het jy haar gesoen?’ (Did you kiss her?),” said Botes.

He said that everything after that happened very quickly, and the player started punching him.

A J88 medical letter (a letter generated by the department of justice), which News24 has seen, states that Botes will have to undergo a corrective surgery for the injuries.

“I didn’t retaliate, I got into my uber, the driver drove off and he (the player) was running next to the uber trying to open the door but the uber driver sped off,” he said.

Botes says he doesn’t know what led to the player’s actions and that he had never met or spoken to him before.

“The first conversation I had with him was when he said to me ‘Hey Markus, did you kiss her?’ and then it was a fight,” he said.

A case of common assault is being investigated, and Botes has approached lawyers regarding legal action.

The player is currently playing for an overseas club.
