A lot has been happening for Justin Bieber lately.
He found Jesus, released the world’s ugliest fashion line, became king of the ‘Scumbros’, and was married.
He’s also releasing some new music soon.
We know this because he tweeted about it.
Naturally, the Beliebers got pretty amped. Then they became horribly confused because he followed up his innocuous “new music” tweet with this:
It’s hard to take someone seriously when they don’t know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’, yet people are taking this seriously.
Here’s The Blue Corner:
Enter Conor McGregor, who not only said he’d be keen to host the event on a “McGregor Sports and Entertainment” card, he’d also challenge Mark Wahlberg on the same card for his stake in the UFC.
“If Tom Cruise is man enough to accept this challenge, McGregor Sports and Entertainment will host the bout. Does Cruise have the sprouts to fight, like he does in the movies? Stay tuned to find out!”
Tom Cruise hasn’t responded. The fans seem keen, though, reports The Independent.
One said “I would pay American currency to watch Tom Cruise beat the absolute s**t out of Justin Bieber.”
Most seemed to believe the Mission: Impossible star, 56, would have a good chance against Bieber given his combat and stunt training for countless films over the years.
Others were just gleeful at the mere thought of the conversations that would be taking place, with one suggesting: “At some point tonight Tom Cruise’s agent will have to call Tom Cruise and tell him that Justin Bieber has challenged him to a fight, this is an actual conversation that will happen.”
Look, my money is on Tom here. The Biebs isn’t known for his physical prowess.
The last time he tried to fight a celebrity it didn’t go very well.
Either way, that’s a lot of crazy in one ring.
Perhaps if Bieber wins, Cruise converts to Christianity, and if Bieber loses, he is forced to become a Scientologist.