That guy above looks like he’s been well and truly caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
The photo, taken by Roie Galitz and dubbed ‘Space Man’, shows some kind of primate on the prowl, and is one of the snaps that made it through the first cut of the 2019 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
Last year’s winners were a hoot, so we can expect plenty of competition in the months to come. For now, let’s just enjoy that image above, and seven more below, with the help of Forbes:
The-photographer-at-work – PHOTO: BOB RIACH
Shame, I see not even the squirrels are exempt from being Instagram husbands / wives.
Laughing-barn-owl – PHOTO: KENNETH TINKHAM
Inconspicuous – PHOTO: ERIC KELLER
Blame it on the dog.
Deer – What Deer? – PHOTO: MIKE ROWE
Burrowing Owlets – PHOTO: ROBERT PALMER
We all know somebody like the owl on the left.
Dad-tells-off-the-kids – PHOTO: NICOLA-BEYFUS
Waving Polar Bear Cub – PHOTO: BARRY CHAPMAN
That should help ease the pain of it somehow only being Tuesday.
By the way, your chance to enter has not come and gone:
There are five categories in the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards: On the Land, Under the Sea, In the Air, the Portfolio Category, and the Overall Winner…
In addition to the title of 2019 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year, among the prizes are a once-in-a-lifetime safari in the Maasai Mara in Kenya with Alex Walker’s Serian and an Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II KIT camera.
Entries are open until June 30, 2019.
That gives you 19 more days – you can enter here.