Sunday, March 23, 2025

May 31, 2019

Jeez – They’re Projecting Zuckerberg’s Face Onto Buildings To Get Him Fired

Nonprofit organisation Fight for the Future really, really want Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to get the sack.

The picture above is the ‘face-free’ version of a protest that’s being spearheaded by the nonprofit Fight for the Future.

You can see the complete-with-face version below.

The campaign (#FireZuck) calls for the firing of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Seems a bit extreme. I mean…apart from everything that he’s done…is he really that bad?

Yeah, he needs to go.

Anyway, here’s Mashable with the movement’s justification for their projected message:

“There is no single silver bullet solution that will ‘fix’ Facebook,” the group wrote in a Medium post documenting the protest. “But we can start by sending a clear message to its shareholders, corporate leadership, & the entire tech industry that we are fed up, and that no one should be immune from facing the consequences of their actions.”

The outside call to fire the CEO comes on the heels of an April proposal by Facebook investors to oust Zuckerberg. Similar discontent with the CEO was shown by investors at the 2018 shareholders’ meeting. In other words, this call for charge at Facebook’s top isn’t new — although it perhaps gets more urgent with each passing scandal.

The projection went up on the side of the Hotel Nia in Palo Alto during an annual Facebook shareholders meeting.

Fight for the Future wasn’t the only group with plans to protest the annual meeting.

The consumer group SumOfUs has partnered with the activist group Bend the Arc to attempt to deliver a giant inflatable “angry emoji” to Zuckerberg.

No man. Do better guys. Use your words.

In a press release announcing their planned protest, the groups insisted this move is about more than spectacle. It plans to present a shareholder resolution calling for the breakup of Facebook.

Before you get too amped about the possible ousting of Zucks, you should know that he has the majority voting share of Facebook, so it seems unlikely that he’ll vote against himself and for the company’s fragmentation.
