The Batman franchise is the gift that keeps on giving.
It’s not always the gift we want (Suicide Squad), sometimes it’s the gift we deserve (Joker), and sometimes things land in a bit of divisive grey area.
That seems to be the case with the upcoming TV series Batwoman.
The show stars Orange Is The New Black‘s Ruby Rose as Bruce Wayne’s cousin, who discovers the Batcave and decides to take his place after he abandons Gotham to its own devices.
The first trailer is out. TimesLIVE describes it as follows:
The show follows the common theme of a central hero fighting crime, but will make history with the debut of Rose as the first openly gay lead character – male or female – of a live-action superhero series (via Deadline).
Also starring Meagan Tandy, Camrus Johnson, Nicole Kang, Rachel Skarsten and Dougray Scott, Batwoman follows Kate Kane – an out lesbian and highly-trained street fighter with a passion for social justice and a whole lot of attitude – as she transforms from angsty rebel into the city’s saving grace.
Check it out:
It is a bit cringy, and you get the feeling that they were trying too hard. Still, it is nice to see an openly queer lead character played by an openly queer actress.
As for the response on YouTube, it has – at the time of writing – 58 000 ‘likes’ and a whopping 219 000 ‘dislikes’.
Head on down to the comments section and you’ll see that people are tearing it apart, although the majority are men, pointing out that they can’t relate to the character.
They’re sad because they don’t understand why a show was made that wasn’t necessarily for them.
Cry me a river.
I think this one needs to be judged on the series itself, not the trailer.
Worth a watch, if only so that the critique can come from an informed place.